Welcome to The Winery Exchange

Wineries are unlike most businesses. You can’t just look at an income statement and project future revenues. Similarly, the assets on the balance sheet do not determine the fair market value of the property. Factors that affect value include, but are not limited to, the land, soil types, crop yields, age of the vines, varietal choice, infrastructure, buildings, equipment, brand equity, sales, location, amenities and profits.

Our collection of experts in the legal, business, tax, and real estate arenas are here to help you purchase or sell a winery. We have streamlined the process to provide the highest level of services to fit your needs.

Buyer Services

When purchasing a winery, have you considered the angle and degree of sun exposure on all of your land?

If you are planning to purchase a winery, a vineyard, or both, it is essential that you have a partner who can assist you…

Seller Services

The marketing of your winery or vineyard can be done in a number of ways to match your needs. Our services are geared to minimize disruptions to your business…


Meet Our Team

Kristofer Chun

Broker/Owner, Kristofer Chun Real Estate

Roger Asleson

Roger Asleson Family Winery Consulting

Mark Richmond

LPL Financial

Dell Coats

Partner, G&J

Bruce Myers

Myers and Associates